Computer Man

Antonio Martner

Ph.D. Student

I am a fifth-year Economics Ph.D. student at UCLA. My research interests are in macroeconomics and industrial organization.

Working Papers

  1. Aggregating Distortions in Networks with Multi-Product Firms
    with Yasutaka Koike-Mori

Work in Progress

  1. Growth accounting in Open Economies with Distortions
    with Federico Huneeus and Yasutaka Koike-Mori
  2. Welfare Effects of Buyer and Seller Power
    with Mert Demirer and Michael Rubens
  3. Monthly Heterogeneous Markup Cyclicality and Inflation Dynamics
    with Will Lu and Mario Giarda
  4. Firm Dynamics and Non-Linear Prices
    with Luca Lorenzini .


Pre-doctoral work

  1. Firm Shocks, Workers Earnings and the Extensive Margin
    Central Bank of Chile WP 1010, March 2024. with A. Castillo, A.S. León, and M. Tapia
  2. Front-of-package warning label effects on manufacturing labor outcomes in Chile
    Food Policy, 2021, vol. 100, p. 102016. with G. Paraje, A. Colchero, J.M. Wlasiuk, and B.M. Popkin
  3. Misallocation or Misspecification? The Effect of Average Distortions on TFP Gains Estimations
    Central Bank of Chile WP 835, June 2019. with E. Albagli, M. Canales, M. Tapia, and J.M. Wlasiuk
  4. Sudden unemployment
    Mimeo 2019. with E. Albalgi, M. Marcel, and M. Tapia
  5. Electronic invoicing: a data revolution for applied macroeconomic research
    Mimeo 2018. with E. Albagli (presentation at OECD, slides).
  6. The role of small and medium-sized enterprises in Latin American exports to Asia
    United Nations Publications, 2016.